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Our bodies are not prepared for a constant onslaught of EMF and the negative effects of having to function in a hostile environment of intense radiation. It is therefore not surprising that after decades of research scientists have linked countless illnesses and health conditions to the exposure to man-made electric radiation.
Watch this video to educate yourself about electromagnetic radiation history, facts and negative effects.
This short video clip, narrated by Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University, explains what dirty electricity is and shows the effectiveness of Stetzerizer filters available in our store
This short video clip, narrated by Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University, explains what dirty electricity is and shows the effectiveness of Stetzerizer filters available in our store
GIRON Magnetic Shielding Film, which does not contain Nickel, is unlike any other magnetic shielding material available on the market today. Suitable for high field strength applications requiring high saturation and good permeability, it is both thin and strong, and unlike Mu-metal it is very tolerant to bending or shaping without losing its shielding properties. Best suitable for strong levels of magnetic fields above one miliGauss or higher, with high saturation and low permeability alloys.
Watch this video to educate yourself about electromagnetic radiation history, facts and negative effects.
ADR® Mat for Bed is a part of ADR® Mat Collection. It has been designed specially for personal protection against electromagnetic radiation created by electric wires present at home, hospital, hotel or any other room when people rest and sleep. ADR® Mat for Bed provides protection against harmful electric fields.
For more details and sizing visit our Products page.
Watch this short video clip to see how ADR® Mat for Bed works!
ADR® TEX Universal Electro-Screen acts as a shield against harmful electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic fields can affect the electrolytic economy, processes which involve ions and the immune system, (allergies and inflammations can be aggravated). In many cases only the neutralization of electric fields can make one’s health and mood better.
Watch this short video clip to see how our ADR-TEX Universal Electro-Screen works!
ADR® Mat for Bed can neutralize over 90% of harmful effects caused by electric fields. In this way, ADR® Mat protects human body from electromagnetic fields during sleep or rest and also makes home environment healthier. For more details and sizing visit our Products page.
Watch this short video clip to see why ADR® Mat for Bed is so important for your body!