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Why Should You Bother About 5G Radiation?

Why Should You Bother About 5G Radiation?

5G raises so many questions regarding our health and people are also becoming aware of the 5G radiation that may cause health issues. There is no point of argument when it is about technological advancement. 5G has some significant impacts on the improvements of wireless connected devices or in the field of the Internet of Things. But, health issues have become a real concern because many studies overlook that perspective before introducing the 5G network. Popular electromagnetic field product manufacturer – FilterEMF has already launched its 5G radiation shielding products for people. Everyone is aware of the associated health issues and we need to take the right steps to protect us from electromagnetic fields.

An electromagnetic field is harmful to our health and this is why we need EMF shielding products to block these EMF radiations. But, how much this radiation affects our health is still a subject of research. Since we use electromagnetic devices regularly, we are exposed to radiation every day. With the introduction of the 5G network, the radiation level will be increased. Many people working in health care organizations have already brought the issue to the attention of the authority. The best thing that you really have so far is 5G radiation shielding products.

Electromagnetic fields in any frequencies and wavelength cause health issues. You should not avoid the low-frequency electromagnetic fields also and they cause some real health complications, such as:

  1. Disruption of cell metabolism
  2. Oxidative damage
  3. Melatonin reduction
  4. DNA damage
  5. Production of stress proteins

Now, 5G comes to the limelight again since all cellular network companies are competing with each other to offer better service. We all know that 5G uses shorter wavelengths and this requires more receptor antennas to cover an area. So, it emits more radiation and it causes different health issues.

The worst thing is that these receptor antennas are installed close to the living area and this increases the potential risks. So, 5G is more harmful than its previous network connection. 5G cell towers remained very close to your building and you get exposed to the higher radiation level.

When it comes to 5G protection, you can pick the best product from FilterEMF. ADR-TEX 5G is one of the best-selling products and it comes as the 5G radiation shielding fabric. You can cut and sew the fabric and make different products that protect you from 5G radiation.

Visit FilterEMF and buy EMF shielding products made of the best quality. The company is a trusted name for offering products built with maximum protection. Along with this 5G radiation shielding fabric, you can also buy EMF meter and a Stetzer filter. These two products prove to be very essential for blocking electromagnetic fields. Identify the high EMF zone in your house and shield the radiation with the Stetzer filter. For more details, contact us. 

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