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Scientific Studies On Electromagnetic Fields

Electromagnetic fields or EMF can be generated by electrically powered devices. Mobile phone towers and broadcast towers are also responsible for emitting EMF. Whether EMF harms our health or not is a controversial topic and argument is still on. EMF generated through the power lines is catching the attention of the environmentalist. Some people believe that the harmful effect of EMF can even cause cancer. Some disagree with the facts. Let environmentalists decide what is good for your health. But, you can take some necessary measures for protecting your environment from harmful EMFs. Visit FilterEMF and explore products that shield you from electromagnetic fields.

In 1979, the matter was first grabbed the attention when childhood leukemia was attached with the EMF. It was found that high-current electrical wiring near the home emitted EMF and that caused such health issues. Though the right documentation is still needed to prove the facts, many people are aware of the harmful effect of electromagnetic fields and they are looking for the products that shield EMF.

Studies are going on to find out the intensity of EMF and its effect on human health. The national radiological Protection Board (NRPB) in the United States released the report that electromagnetic field above the 0.4 microtesla (µT) can double the risk of leukemia in children. This finding has no evidence to prove that EMF can cause leukemia in adult.

It is true that there are no documents that prove EMF is dangerous for human health, but people don’t want to take risks and this is why the demand for Electromagnetic shielding products are growing their demands.  One of the easiest things that you can do is avoiding the higher exposure of electromagnetic fields. Make sure that the power lines emit EMF lower than the recommended standard. To measure the level of the electromagnetic field, you can buy an EMF detector and meter from FilterEMF. This device proves to be very helpful to know where in your house have higher electromagnetic fields.

When it comes to buying protection from Electromagnetic fields, you have so many options. Visit FilterEMF and buy products that are easy to use. Some products like EMF Shielding Garments and Clothing and RF Shielding Fabrics have a higher demand because they keep you protected from EMF wherever you go. FIilterEMF comes up with authentic products only.  Here, you will also get different other options such as EMF protection for TV, computer, mobile phones, and laptop. Get products that are useful and convenient to use for you.

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