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Protection from Electromagnetic Field

The electromagnetic field is generated by electrically charged objects. It is the combination of two fields – electric fields and magnetic fields. If you go by its scientific definition, then you will understand that the electric field is produced by stationary objects and magnetic fields by moving charges. The fields are more like smooth, continuous field and they spread wave-like manner. Now, the time has come to discuss why we should bother about the electromagnetic field? The electromagnetic field affects our general health and its harmful emission can put our regular life at danger.

This is why Filter EMF comes up with some of the best products that protect you from hazardous emission of the wave. Do you know that we are surrounded by the objects that emit electromagnetic fields?   Now everyone wants to know that does every object emit electromagnetic field or radiation? We all know that Wi-Fi and cell phone has radiation and this is why we have to shield our health from these magnetic fields. Radio Frequency is another type of radiation that carries radio signals and it is also harmful to our health.

So, Filter EMF comes up with some extraordinary products that are designed with a sole aim to protect your health from these radiations. Here are some of the best products we have for you.

Aluminum Foil Tape:

Aluminum foil is a great product for shielding a small area or wrapping cables. It comes up with the synthetic rubber adhesive and paper liner. The best thing about the product is that it can be used for all weather condition. The material is such that it is protected from water vapor, odor, and smoke transmission. It offers shielding from RF, WiFi, and cell phone radiation.

Heel Ground:

Filter EMF comes up with some of the innovative products that easily keep you and your loved one away from the dangerous emission of the electromagnetic field. Wear heel ground to avoid the electromagnetic waves. It has a reversible rubber material which is colored in black and gray. It does not leave any mark on most of the surfaces. Wrap it over your ankle and place it rightly on your heel. This is another effective product from Filter EMF.


This is one of the most used magnetic field shielding products. Do you place your laptop or tablet on your lap while working? If you are doing so, you are suffering from the magnetic sensitivity that has common symptoms like headaches, tiredness, poor short term memory, fatigue, depression, rashes, nausea, and more. HARApad is designed for reducing the intensity of the magnetic field by 80 to 99.9%. So, don’t place your laptop on your lap. Lay the pad and place your tablet or laptop on it.

FilterEMF comes up with the products that you need essentially. To know more about the electromagnetic field and its shielding products, visit our website.

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