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Is cell phone radiation harmful to our health?

The electromagnetic field is grabbing the attention of many health organizations and environmentalists. While the topic is too technical to understand, misconceptions about EMF prevailing over the internet make it even hard to understand EMF by general people. It is true that all electrically charged products emit radiations, but the intensity varies. Cell phones are an integral part of our lifestyle that we cannot live without. Some research establishes that cell phone radiations bring changes in the biological functions of the body and that causes serve health complications. Let’s check how cell phone radiations affect your health. FilterEMF is a company known for offering best quality EMF shielding products to people. If your home is the hub of electromagnetic fields due to the use of various home appliances, buy these products and keep yourself protected from these harmful waves and radiations.Radiations include different types of electromagnetic waves – gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet lights, visible light, and more things. There are mainly two types of radiations that come up with a different level of intensity – Ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiations including UV, X-rays, and Gamma rays come up with higher energy in one photon which is enough to break apart chemical bondage. These rays can be the reason for the cancer-causing DNA damage. This is why people need to apply sunblock creams when they are out in the sun.Non-ionizing radiation is very common and we are generally exposed to such waves. Such radiations are generated through light bulbs, infrared lights, and oven.  They are not harmful in manner because one photon does not contain enough energy to influence the cell of our body. Non-ionizing radiation is harmful when it comes up with sufficient power.Now when it comes to the cell phone radiations, certain factors you will definitely keep in mind. You need to understand the frequency your device emits or receives. Check the power of the radiation. Cellular frequency stays in between 450–2000MHz, but the most common one is 800 or 900 MHz. the power emission also depends on the course of the call and the use of your device. It stays 2 watts when you are on a call, and for the general use, the power limit stays .02 watts. It is said that if cell phone causes damage to your tissues, the power limit of phones must be equivalent to the microwave oven which is 700 Watts. There is a very low chance to heat your body up with the use of cell phones. Remember that home appliances increase the radiation of electromagnetic fields. This is why you need to buy EMF shielding products that protect you from harmful radiations. FilterEMF will provide you with the best solutions. You can buy a different kind of products as per your preferences.

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