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EMF Radiations and Protection

Electromagnetic fields and their effects on our health are still a talking point. Many conflicting reports are coming up and they make difficult to conclude the argument. Electromagnetic fields are the low-frequency fields generated by the use of electric power. The most used appliances like alarm clocks, dishwashers, televisions, headsets, and more other devices emit electromagnetic fields. Besides this, high energy power lines, electrical transformers, and electrical power stations also cause electromagnetic fields. The sources of EMF are many and it is very hard to mention everything in a page. It can be said EMF is everywhere. The faulty grounding and wiring in a building are also producing electromagnetic fields.

Research also points out the fact that there is a certain standard of EMF radiation and it causes no harm if the radiation limit remains under the standard. But when it stays above the standard, it can produce possible threat for the human being and may double the risk of leukemia in children. Many health organization issues a strong alarm for the growing risk of electromagnetic fields.

What you can do?

For the protection, you can buy an EMF meter that helps you check the radiation. Many other products have come up with some real benefits. It is important to limit your overall exposure to stay safe from these harmful radiations. FilterEMF is a renowned company trusted by clients and users. It has come up with so many products which are needed to protect EMF emission from the everyday used products.  You can buy laptop EMF shielding products if you are using a laptop frequently.

Cell phones are a part of our living. We cannot think of a day without it. But cell phones also generate EMF. The degree of EMF radiation from cell phones depends on the electrical functions of the device. But you must buy a cell-phone shielding products that are needed for avoiding EMF.

One thing you need to remember that when you are buying an EMF meter, check the features rightly. This meter shows the activity when it finds the radiation. Otherwise, the meter shows you the zero result.

You must know which appliances release EMF. Electric stove with two burners generates 1mG radiation at 2 feet. From the 6 feet distance, it shows no reading. In front of the television, the radiation remains 90mG. When the distance is 2 feet, the radiation is 20 mG and 1 mG at six feet.

So, these are some measurement you must know about. For buying EMF shielding products, visit FilterEMF and get to know about the products.


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