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EMF Exposure – Should You Worry?

EMF exposure needs further research and studies to come to a definite conclusion. Naturally, it exists in the environment and the sun emits electromagnetic field which is used in many ways. Scientists also come up with the facts that power lines also emit electromagnetic fields and the closer you are to the source, the stronger the effect will be. Now, everyone knows that every gadget which uses electricity emit EMF to a certain degree and this can cause health issues. Though the factor of health issue related EMF includes so many debates and studies, you need to adopt the protected step for taking care of your health.

EMF exposure and its link to cancer is still the research topic. No solid evidence is there that proves the statement true. Remember that our cell phones, microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, computers, and other appliances emit electromagnetic fields and they are harmful to our health.

Radiations are mainly two types – low-level radiation or non-ionizing radiation and high-level radiation or ionizing radiation.

Non-ionizing radiation includes – microwave ovens, computers, house energy meters, wireless routers, cell phones, Bluetooth devices, power lines, MRIs, and more. The ionizing radiation includes Ultraviolet light and x-rays. It is stated that every product maintains guidelines when it comes to EMF. But still, people are not in a safe zone. Due to EMF exposure, people experience so many health issues, including sleep disturbance, headache, tiredness, lack of concentration, dizziness, irritability, and more.

You can buy EMF meter and can measure electromagnetic fields in your house. FilterEMF comes up with the best quality EMF meters and they help you easily measure the exposure. When you have a clear idea about the EMF exposure in your house, you can buy the best quality EMF shielding products that come up with the right protection.

Stetzerizer Meter & 20 Filters:

This product removes dirty electricity from your home environment and makes the air healthy and happy for you. If you are finding the quality product for your home, this option is the best. It comes up with a plug-in design and can easily be installed anywhere you want.

FilterEMF always comes up with the protection that you require. With the huge collection of products, they ensure that your every need can be fulfilled. If you are longing for the portable EMF options, try the EMF shielding fabrics and EMF cases cell phones for you.


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