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Electromagnetic Fields – Definition & Protection

Electromagnetic fields cause so many concerns for general people. Some even state that this electromagnetic field causes cancer. Though the statement is yet to be proved, the effect of EMF on human health is not a completely avoidable topic. FilterEMF is a company that offers protection from electromagnetic fields by offering products that are specially designed for shielding EMF. Even though there is a lot of talk on the electromagnetic fields, many people are not aware of what exactly EMF is. The content discusses the electromagnetic fields so that everyone can understand the factors needed for this.

Electric and magnetic fields are produced by electricity. More specifically, it is produced by the movements of electrons through a wire. So, an electric field is produced by the voltage which is needed to push electrons through a wire. The magnetic field is generated by the flow of the current through the wires or electrical devices. As the current increases, the strength of the electric field also becomes high. Electric fields can be produced regardless of whether a device is turned on or off. But magnetic fields can be produced only when the current is flowing through a wire.

Electric fields are easier to shield than magnetic fields. Electric fields get weaken when it is obstructed by walls or other objects. Magnetic fields can pass through different objects and this is why it is a more dangerous type.

Electric and magnetic fields together called electromagnetic fields and they come in two main categories – higher frequency EMFs and low to mid-frequency EMFs. They have a direct impact on cell and DNA.

Higher frequency EMFs includes x-rays and gamma rays. They come under the ionizing radiation part and they damage DNA or cells directly. Low to mid-frequency EMFs static and magnetic fields from electric power lines and appliances include radio waves, microwaves, electric power lines, infrared radiations, and more. They generally come under the non-ionizing part and do not damage cells or DNA.

Electromagnetic fields are harmful to our health, although the intensity of the damage is still in questions. You need to buy extra protection from EMFs for your health. Buy EMF meters and other electromagnetic field resistant products from FilterEMF and protect yourself from everyday radiation.  Do you know that televisions, laptops, computers, and your cell phone emit EMFs? Don’t forget to buy the products that reduce the intensity of EMFs.

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