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Electromagnetic Fields and A Complete Protection From It

The electromagnetic field is the combination of two forces electric and magnetic fields which are generated naturally or through the man-made devices that use electricity. Many products around us emit EMF and the most commons are cell phones, computer screens, powerlines, and more things. This EMF has adverse effects on our health and this is why people consider buying EMF shielding products that offer the maximum protection from EMF. Visit FilterEMF and pick products as per the requirement.

Electromagnetic fields have many things to understand, especially the exposure and the frequency range. These are important to determine the adverse effects they cause. Static frequencies are those that do not change with time. The sources of this static frequency are video display unit, MRI, diagnostic and scientific instrumentation, and welding devices.

There is also very low frequency (0 – 300 Hz) and it has sources, including power lines, domestic distribution lines, domestic appliances, electric engines in the car. Intermediate Frequency (IF) that ranges between 300 Hz to 100 kHz. We all know about the Radio Frequency (RF) from 100 kHz – 300 GHz. the common sources of Radio Frequency are mobile telephones, broadcasting and TV, microwave ovens, MRI, and more.

So, it can be guessed that many products emit EMF in your house and you must have protection from it. Visit FilterEMF and buy the products that help you emit electromagnetic fields. Here are some of them that you must use.

High Conductivity & All Natural Shielding Fabric:

It is a high conductive fabric made of natural material. If you want protection that shields EMF wherever you go, you can buy this product. It is made with pure cotton and stainless steel fiber and gives you protection in the right way. One side of the fabric is metal and the other side is cotton. You can cut the fabric and sew it to use. It prefers soft wash with a natural detergent.

Stetzerizer Meter:

This removes the dirty electricity from the wiring. It also improves power quality and offers you the right protection from Electromagnetic fields. The simple plug-in design makes it easy-to-use by anybody. The complete product package comes up with 20 units that cover your whole house.

Buy products from FilterEMF and enjoy strong protection from electromagnetic fields. Recently, many people are suffering from EMF sensitivity due to the exposure of harmful EMF. Buy these products and ensure that you keep the radiation away from you and your home. Visit FilterEMF and get the best quality products.

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