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Electric & Magnetic Fields and Their Influence

Electromagnetic Fields are everywhere. It is really hard to get rid of these radiations. The only thing that you can do is purchasing EMF shielding products from a trusted company. Install them in your home environment. Even having so many documents to define electromagnetic fields, the idea of the electromagnetic field is not clear. There are so many factors involved in it. To understand electromagnetic fields more clearly, you need to get the idea about ionizing and non-ionizing energy. When you get a complete idea about these factors, it will be easy to understand EMF more clearly.

The severity of electromagnetic fields depends on the wavelength and frequency and it also determines an important issue – how these radiations influence our body’s mechanism. Particles called quanta carried electromagnetic waves. The higher frequency waves have higher energy in every quantum so much so that they can break bonds between molecules. These ionizing magnetic fields cause real health complications.

Non-ionizing magnetic fields are those that carry insufficient energy to break molecular bonds. Non-ionizing radiations are mainly caused by man-made forces which are essential parts of the industrialized life. Radio Frequency fields are also coming in a long wavelength and a low-frequency end. Their quanta are unable to break the electric bonds.

Any electrical wire produces electromagnetic fields. Even when the current is not flowing through it, there is electric field emission. The higher voltage makes the electric field stronger and its effect depends on your distance from it. Electric fields can be shielded easily. If the power lines are outside of your house, they can be blocked by trees, building, and walls. If the source of emission is near your house, you can buy electromagnetic fields shielding products and stay safe from harmful rays.

Magnetic fields are different and it is produced by the motion of electric charges. The strength of it is measured in amperes per meter (A/m). These fields are produced when the current flows in the electric wire. The strength of fields depends on the current. The effectiveness of the magnetic fields also decreases when the distance gets longer from you.

So these are the facts that you must know about electromagnetic fields. If you want complete protection from EMF shielding, visit FilterEMF. It contains a huge range of products. Buy them as per your need.



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