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EMF Cell Phone

A Guide To EMF Protection & Cell Phone Radiation Protection

We are literally at risk everyday of being exposed to a number of environmental factors that are potentially dangerous and hazardous to our health, the most significant of which are the millions of cell phones that people use every minute of everyday worldwide. That danger or health hazard that we are exposed to when using them is known as EMF cell phone radiation. The sooner we learn about the potential health threat that cell phone radiation poses, we can steps to protect ourselves from it.

So what exactly is this specific type of radiation? In the simplest of terms, it is the electrical power emitted by a cell phone. The microwave signals transmitted by the many cell phone towers around us pose a threat to our overall health, hence the need for some form of cell phone radiation protection device to prevent that exposure from occurring. EMF and microwave radiation naturally occur in nature. However, the problem with it arises when the amounts of levels of it are increased and we get exposed to it.

It is well known that radiation in any form can easily pass through the tissues of our bodies, leaving behind it a path of both damaged and destroyed cells. As a result of our ever increasing cell phone usage, we are potentially at risk for experiencing both physical and psychological problems after prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation. Naturally, that risk increases when we are in the presence of numerous cell phones such as in the office or out in public. It becomes imperative then that we take steps to defend ourselves from this by using some type of cell phone radiation protection device.

So what can you do to protect yourself from potentially harmful radiation that is emitted by our different mobile devices? Numerous approaches are offered by the so-called experts out there but the bottom line is that you need some type of device to ensure your protection against this radiation. Many companies will recommend a device that is oftentimes referred to as a “power pendant”, but the efficacy of these is speculative at best. You can start by purchasing something as simple as one of the protective cell phone pouches currently offered by FilterEMF.

Our company specializes in offering the highest quality protection devices to shield you from mobile device radiation or any other radiation emanating from a power source, whether it is battery-operated, electrical, or wireless in nature. We will be happy to discuss the potential health risks of EMF cell phone radiation with you and recommend products that will provide you with the protection you need. For more information, visit the FilterEMF website today.

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