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RF Shielded Scarf | RF Shielded Hooded Scarf for Indoor & Outdor


Original price was: $ 119.00.Current price is: $ 109.95.

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RF Shielded Hooded Scarf is attractive and stylish. It provides great shielding from cellphones, wifi, smart meters and other radio frequency signals for the head, neck, and shoulders. Normal looking, soft and very comfy, especially in cooler weather. Medium brown color goes well with most outfits, and can be used indoors or out. SILVERELL® quality, made with pure silver and rayon. 90% RF attenuation tested up to 8 GHz.

Attractive & Stylish RF Shielded Scarf with 90% RF attenuation
Great personal shielding from cell phone, wifi, smart meter and other RF radiation
Protect head, neck and shoulders against RF radiation
Soft, comfortable, goes with most outfits
Can be used indoor and outdoor
Made with pure silver and rayon.
90% RF shielding effectiveness up to 8 GHz

Additional information

Weight1 lbs

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